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Writer's pictureAJ Cheponis

Why Your People Leave You: The Brutal Truth About Employee Turnover

The Real Reasons Behind Employee Turnover

Understanding why employees leave is touted as the holy grail of HR insights. Companies spend fortunes dissecting exit interviews, but what if I told you this is a colossal waste of resources? Strip away the fluff, and you’ll find two core reasons behind employee turnover: poor job fit and bad management. Everything else is secondary noise.


Employee Turnover

Misfit Syndrome: The Job Doesn’t Match

First, let’s talk job fit. If you think education and work history are significant, you’re deluding yourself. These factors are mere footnotes in the grand narrative of job performance. A job misfit isn’t just a professional mismatch; it’s a cruel injustice to the individual. Imagine being thrust into a role where every day is an uphill battle. This isn't just inefficient—it's negligent. You’re setting up good people to fail, creating a cycle of frustration and mediocrity.


Managerial Malpractice: The Real Culprit

Then, there’s the epidemic of poor management. Defend your managers all you want, but the harsh reality is that most are woefully unequipped to lead. This isn’t necessarily their fault. Many were promoted into management without ever being taught how to manage people. They were handed the title without the tools, like asking someone to build a house with just a screwdriver. A bad manager is not just a nuisance; they are a drain on your organization’s potential, a saboteur in a suit. Their incompetence filters down, infecting the team with low morale and high turnover. The buck doesn’t stop with them; it stops with you for tolerating this subpar leadership.


Secondary Symptoms: Team and Culture Fit

Yes, poor team fit and cultural misalignment contribute to turnover, but they’re often downstream effects of the primary issues. When the job and management are off-kilter, no amount of team synergy or cultural cohesion can save the day. Your organizational culture becomes a patchwork of discontent and disengagement, a breeding ground for disillusionment.


The Cost of Good Enough: Mediocrity’s Hidden Toll

In a world where business growth and margin improvements are king, you need stellar teams. Good teams deliver good results. Great teams deliver extraordinary outcomes. A new client recently protested, “I have good people!” To which I respond: good is the enemy of great. When a person doesn’t fit their role perfectly, you’re not just wasting their potential; you’re actively harming them. Mediocrity is a slow poison, eroding your competitive edge and stifling innovation.

Solving the Talent Puzzle: A Data-Driven Approach

Here’s how you build a winning team: start with data. Think Moneyball, but for hiring. Begin by developing a job model focused on behavioral and cognitive requirements specific to your organization. This model is unique—it varies not just by role but by company. You must understand the DNA of each position within the context of your business’s ecosystem.



Crafting the Perfect Job Ad

Next, translate this model into a job advertisement that speaks directly to the behaviors you need. Avoid the generic drivel about “collaborative team players” and “leaders who take initiative.” These clichés are contradictory and ineffective. Instead, your ad should resonate so deeply with the right candidates that they get goosebumps reading it. Craft it to reflect the authentic needs and ethos of your organization, making it a beacon for the perfect fit.


Beyond the Resume: The True Indicators of Success

When the resumes roll in, ignore the traditional markers of success. Education and experience are poor predictors of job performance, contributing less than 1% to actual success. Focus instead on innate talents and brain wiring. Align these with your job model to identify the true stars. Use assessments that reveal cognitive and behavioral traits, painting a fuller picture of each candidate’s potential.


Interviewing for Excellence

In the interview process, prioritize behavioral and situational questions over past experience. Dive deep into values and cultural fit—these are the real determinants of long-term success. By this stage, you already know they can do the job; now you need to know if they’ll thrive in your environment. Develop a structured interview process that examines alignment with your company’s core values and mission.


Retention: Beyond the Hire

Hiring the right person doesn’t guarantee retention. To keep them engaged, managers must adapt their communication styles. Effective managers meet employees where they are, much like a parent adjusts their approach for each child. Employees don’t leave companies; they leave managers. Equip your leaders with the skills to foster an inclusive and motivating environment. Continuous training and development are key to maintaining high engagement levels.


Building a Culture of Excellence

Cultivating a culture where excellence is the norm starts with leadership. Your leadership team should model the behaviors and attitudes you wish to see throughout the organization. Promote transparency, encourage innovation, and recognize achievements. Foster a sense of belonging where every team member feels valued and heard. This cultural foundation will naturally attract and retain top talent.


Execution is Everything

This approach isn’t complicated, but execution is key. Miss a step or fumble the sequence, and you’re back to square one with a mediocre hire. The stakes are high, but so are the rewards. Successful execution involves ongoing monitoring and adjustment of your hiring and retention strategies. Stay agile and responsive to the evolving needs of your workforce.

So, are you ready to break free from the fallacy of “good enough” and transform your team into a powerhouse of talent? Remember, inaction isn’t just a mistake—it’s a strategic failure. Act now and elevate your organizational game. Contact us to revolutionize your hiring process and build a culture that not only attracts but retains exceptional talent. Your next move? Make it count.

good enough

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