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Keep up to date with all things Talent Optimization, including people tips and tons of hiring information.
AJ Cheponis
Jan 28, 20203 min read
Five ways to improve your sales team’s performance
An effective sales manager will be open and honest with their sales team, & encourage sharing experiences so they can learn from each other.
AJ Cheponis
Dec 31, 20192 min read
Coaching to develop sales performers
Managers have the tools to build a team of top performers, in sales or any other department, by using the solutions offered by Straightline.
AJ Cheponis
Dec 5, 20194 min read
Five ways cognitive ability can help increase sales performance
Sales people with higher cognitive ability can quickly learn and understand the features and benefits of new products or solutions.
AJ Cheponis
Sep 3, 20192 min read
Building a galaxy of sales superstars
You could have the greatest widget or service offering on the planet, but without the proper sales support, you don't stand a chance.
Jul 2, 20197 min read
Build a five-star sales team with talent optimization
Building an great sales team can be elusive, painful, and costly. One study found that the average cost of sales turnover was just under 50k
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